Mobile & Mobility

Mobile technology is the technology used for cellular communication. Mobile technology has evolved rapidly over the past few years. Since the start of this millennium, a standard mobile device has gone from being no more than a simple two-way pager to being a mobile phone, GPS navigation device, an embedded web browser and instant messaging client, and a handheld gaming console. Many experts believe that the future of computer technology rests in mobile computing with wireless networking. Mobile computing by way of tablet computers is becoming more popular. Tablets are available on the 3G and 4G networks. Mobile technology has different meanings in different aspects, mainly mobile technology in information technology and mobile technology in basketball technology, mainly based on the wireless technology of wireless devices (including laptops, tablets, mobile phones, etc.) equipment information technology integration.

Mobile communication convergence

Tesla laid the theoretical foundation for wireless communication in 1890. Marconi, known as the father of radio, first transmitted wireless signals two miles away in 1894. Mobile technology gave human society great change. The use of mobile technology in government departments can also be traced back to World War I. In recent years, the integration of mobile communication technology and information technology has made mobile technology the focus of industry attention. With the integration of mobile communication and mobile computing technology, mobile technology has gradually matured, and the mobile interaction brought by the application and development of mobile technology has provided online connection and communication for Ubiquitous Computing and Any time, anywhere Liaison and information exchange provide possibilities, provide new opportunities and challenges for mobile work, and promote further changes in social and organizational forms.

The integration of information technology and communication technology is bringing great changes to our social life. Mobile technology and the Internet have become the main driving forces for the development of information and communication technologies. Through the use of high-coverage mobile communication networks, high-speed wireless networks, and various types of mobile information terminals, the use of mobile technologies has opened up a vast space for mobile interaction. And has become a popular and popular way of living and working. Due to the attractiveness of mobile interaction and the rapid development of new technologies, mobile information terminals and wireless networks will be no less than the scale and impact of computers and networks in the future. The development of mobile government and mobile commerce has provided new opportunities for further improving the level of city management, improving the level and efficiency of public services, and building a more responsive, efficient, transparent, and responsible government. It also helps to bridge the digital divide and provide citizens with universal Service, agile service. The integration and development of information and communication technology has spurred the formation of an information society and a knowledge society, and has also led to a user-oriented innovation oriented to a knowledge society, a user-centered society, a stage of social practice, and a feature of mass innovation, joint innovation, and open innovation. Shape, innovation 2.0 mode is gradually emerging to the attention of the scientific community and society.

Mobile communication industry.

0G: An early cellular mobile phone technology that emerged in the 1970s. At this time, although briefcase-type mobile phones have appeared, they still generally need to be installed in a car or truck.

PTT: Push to talk MTS: Mobile Telephone System IMTS: Improved Mobile Telephone Service AMTS: Advanced Mobile Telephone System 0.5G: A group of technologies that improve the basic 0G technical characteristics. Autotel / PALM: Autotel or PALM (Public Automated Land Mobile) ARP: Autoradiopuhelin, Car Radio Phone HCMTS: High Capacity Mobile Telephone System 1G: Refers to the first generation of wireless telephone technology, namely cellular portable wireless telephone. Introduced in the 1980s are analog cellular portable radiotelephone standards.

NMT: Nordic Mobile Telephone AMPS: Advanced Mobile Phone System TACS: Total Access Communication System (TACS: Total Access Communication System) is the European version of AMPS JTAGS: Japan Total Access Communication System 2G: Second-generation wireless telephone based on digital technology. 2G networks are basically only for voice communications, with the exception that some standards can also use SMS messages as a form of data transmission.

GSM: Global System for Mobile Communications iDEN: Integrated Digital Enhanced Network D-AMPS: Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System based on TDMA cdmaOne: Code Division Multiple Access defined by IS-95 PDC: Personal Digital Cellular TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access 2.5G: A set of transition technologies between 2G and 3G wireless technologies. In addition to voice, it involves digital communication technologies that support E-mail and simple Web browsing.

GPRS: General Packet Radio Service WiDEN: Wideband Integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network 2.75G: refers to a technology that, although it does not meet 3G requirements, plays a role of 3G in the market.

CDMA2000 1xRTT: CDMA-2000 is a TIA standard (IS-2000) evolved from cdmaOne. Compared with 3G, CDMA2000 supporting 1xRTT has lower requirements. EDGE: Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution 3G: Representing the third generation of wireless communication technology, it supports broadband voice, data and multimedia communication technologies in wireless networks.

W-CDMA: Wideband Code Division Multiple Access UMTS: Universal Mobile Telecommunications System FOMA: Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access CDMA2000 1xEV: More advanced than CDMA2000, it supports 1xEV technology and can meet 3G requirements. TD-SCDMA: Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access 3.5G: Generally refers to a technology that goes beyond the development of comprehensive 3G wireless and mobile technologies.

HSDPA: High-Speed Downlink Packet Access 3.75G: A technology that goes beyond the development of comprehensive 3G wireless and mobile technologies.

HSUPA: High-Speed Uplink Packet Access 4G: Named for high-speed mobile wireless communications technology and designed to enable new data services and interactive TV services in mobile networks.

5G: Aims to improve upon 4G, offering lower response times (lower latency) and higher data transfer speeds.